Are eggs a superfood?

Whether you fry them, poach them, bake them or scramble them, a humble egg could be bringing a lot more to the table than meets the eye. Many people choose to ease off on eating eggs altogether because of their high-cholesterol, and a lot of people also believe eggs are unhealthy, due to associating them with a fatty fry-up. However, the cholesterol in eggs is not bad for you, and the benefits of eating just two eggs a day can be massive.
We take a look at some of the advantages of eating just two eggs a day:
They can help you lose weight
A protein-rich breakfast is not only a great way to start off the morning but can help minimise feelings of hunger throughout the day. One large egg contains roughly 78 calories and is very high in nutrients. Eggs are a great low calorie and highly nutritious protein source that doesn’t take too long to prepare in the morning and can keep you full until lunchtime.
They are loaded with vitamins
Eggs are loaded with B vitamins which will help you maintain healthy skin, hair and nails by nourishing your cells. As well as vitamin B they are one of the only foods that are a great source of vitamin D. This will help your body absorb calcium, keep your energy levels high (especially in the winter) and keep your bones strong.
They improve your immune system
Another nutrient found within eggs is selenium. In fact, one egg contains 59% of your recommended daily intake (RDI) of selenium, as well as 32% of the RDI for vitamin A and 14% of the RDI for iron. All of these are well-known for boosting immune systems, which makes eggs extremely useful during cold seasons!
They are great for bulking up
Eggs are protein-rich. As protein is the key to building muscle, eggs are a great way to help you bulk up. A great alternative to other more popular protein providers, like red meats, eggs are simple to cook and are loaded with high-quality protein.
They can improve your memory
Believe it or not, eggs can help to improve your memory. They contain choline, a vitamin-like substance which is hard to find in other common food. Not only does choline help metabolise fat, but it can also help maintain brain function and memory. Cornell University recently conducted research where they found choline may also help brain functioning in infants when eaten during pregnancy.
So, the next time you are wondering what to have for breakfast on a spa weekend in Yorkshire, think eggs!